Sunday, January 4, 2015

Hi, I am a Newb.

Well there it is, I'm a newb, always have been and I probably always will be. For those unfamiliar with the term "newb" and curious as to why I would call myself such please refer to this definition from Urban Dictionary, I've been gaming for more years than I can count. Now in my early thirties with a wife and child, I honestly can't remember a time when gaming hasn't been a big part of my life. My Atari, Nintendo, and SNES were huge parts of my childhood, my PS2 got me through my college years, my Xbox has been with me through 2 marriages, and I was playing Call of Duty on 360 when my wife went into labor (don't worry I finished the match THEN we went to the hospital). Now my X1 and PC have been a respite for me from the rigors of a demanding job and a busy life.

I have always been a gamer and I always will be. On this blog you'll find myriad ramblings, both tips, tricks, reviews, and sometimes just thoughts about gaming both my own and the gaming industry as a whole. You'll find links to my Twitch Channel, updates on goings on in the gaming world, and all sorts of other happy fun things. I hope that you enjoy this blog as much as I enjoy writing it, for I truly am launching on a journey of passion, taking something that has meant much to me over the years and sharing it with you, the humble interwebs.

So join me on this journey, follow my Twich Channel and let's see where this adventure takes us next!

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