Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Should you participate in Battlegrounds in World of Warcraft? Thoughts from a Rambling Newb.

So tonight I thought I'd try something a bit different and run some Battle Grounds. Everything I've heard from all my friends that only PvE is that PvP isn't fun, it sucks, it's a waste of time, and they don't have fun with it. I've heard that PvP isn't "really playing WoW", that it's just a cheap experience when placed against modern games like Call of Duty, or all the other FPS genre games out there. "If you want to run and gun then go pop in Battlefield.

I'm happy to report that everyone of those folks was entirely wrong, at least in my opinion. PvP is definitely not the "WoW experience" that I think of when playing WoW, or maybe to be fair it wasn't the experience I thought of before playing WoW. I can definitely say that PvP is a fun distraction from questing and dungeons, and actually puts a bit of thought into the game. Now I know what my lvled up buddies will say, that raiding and end game content takes organization, and "real strats", so PvP might not have it on the strategy market in WoW, however for a lvl 74 Windwalker Monk, it was a whole lot of fun.

First off the windwalker isn't most folks first, or even second-fifth choice of PvP class, most folks say that we aren't very good for PvP especially after a previous patch nerfed our roll ability (which I must say I noticed immediately and it was schockingly nerfed for someone that hadn't been in a BG before). Personally I found that it forced me to think a little bit harder about how I approached the instance, and how I would go about tackling each encounter. There definitely wasn't any running in and wrecking the other folks in this outing, it was much more about hanging on the fringes, throwing out some clutch heals, and darting in to do the damage that I could. While that might not be the best strat for running WW in BG, I will say that it was working for me, and even though I was never at the top of the damage counter, I never got kicked and I felt like I was making a difference for my squad.

Secondly my toon is NOT geared for PvP, with the difficulty of questing being so low I never really saw the need whilst lvling to really worry about my gear, so while I have some 150-ish gear, I'm also rocking some lvl 53 stuff, I don't like spending my gold on gear when I end up finding something better in my next dungeon, so I've stuck with what I have. It doesn't matter much running around the world exploring but I could definitely tell a difference in my gear compared to others in the starting zones, and then that same difference showed itself out in the BG.

Finally, I'll wrap this ramble about PvP with this, if you're a WoW player don't let others ruin your chance at running PvP, I didn't even give it a go until lvl 73, and mostly just to do something different on my Twitch.TV channel. I ended up having a very enjoyable night, while I didn't get quite the lvling done that I would've liked I got a whole lot more enjoyment than I do running around picking up random items!

Until next time adios and adieu from the Rambling Newb! See you in Azeroth!

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